Alison inquired at the Harbour office if there was a compressor on site. Unfortunately no. So the foot pump was put to use. Not as arduous as expected, Alison pumped it up in a matter of minutes.
It looked pretty dirty so we gave it a scrub. First asking a member of the marina staff if it was ok. Yes, as long as we use marine detergent.
"Your being watched by camera you know!"
The man doing the Harbour tourist trips shouted.
We couldn't understand it. A look online at the marina rules confirmed that you can only propel with an engine. Oops!
Also you can't have it tied to your boat, so up on the davits it came.
After a walk to Asda via the Chandlery to order some maps, it was time for dinner.
How do we get in the gas locker to turn the gas on with the dingy in the way?
Alison devised a method of removing the helmsman's seat, on knees, sticking head and arm through bathing ladder to open locker and turn tap. Simples.
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