Saturday 21 September 2013

Friends at Sovereign Harbour

We test drove the boat with Freddie the next day and again the day after. 'Your driving' he said, and gave me some great instruction. 
The outboard engine works!
    We were now waiting on the weather which had turned stormy with high gusts.
 No one was going out except a few hardy fishermen when there were small gaps in the weather system. 

       Moored near the fishing boats, Alison said 'Good morning' to the guys who passed. They looked a bit surprised but 'Morninged' back. 
    We got chatting to the owner of the nearest boat, John, who turned out to be a really nice bloke. He brought his other half Jill down to meet us, whom suffers from a similar condition to Alison. 
They compared symptoms and we all got on really well. We went round their house for a return visit and met the family, and the three dogs, two cats, two parrots, Dollar fish....  The list goes on. Jill has a strong caring motherly instinct, I think. 
John and Trevor the dog ( they say owners look like their pets HeeHee )
    Alison asked John if he knew any other yachties in the harbour. 'Not really' was the reply. 'If they were all like you, my job would be great.'
Lovely Jill
   At the harbour we also met Mikey. A young man originally from Yorkshire. A good fisherman and charter boat operator. 'Misty Blue' if you fancy a fishing trip. 
   He is always at the Harbour and popped on board most days for a chat. 
Never a dull moment with Mikey. 
    When we eventually get going we will miss the friends we made at Sovereign Harbour ; Ray and Sally T at the Chandlery, Tim, who sorted out our batteries as well, ( he does charge, but he's worth it ) Kev with the power boat ( FPB eh Kev! ) and Mick, owner of EmmaLouise the smartest charter boat in the Harbour and also recommended, who showed us how to use the Chart Plotter. Then there was Matthew and son, George, who gave us endless support and advice. Matthew took us out sailing on 'Artemis' as he knows the yacht like the back of his hand, having worked on and crewed on her for the previous owner. What a master class that was. No wonder they call him 'Neptune'! Would that make George 'Nemo'?- just a thought. 
Alison repairing the Autopilot steering system. 
    The weather was forcast to turn good on Friday 20th September so that was when we would set sail. 
  On the evening before, John and Jill insisted on taking us out to dinner and we said our fare wells. 
The scene was set. 

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